[xep-support] jre v1.6.0_24 not working with XEP

Fishback, Steven C fishback at email.unc.edu
Thu Feb 24 14:19:31 PST 2011

I'm the sys admin assisting a research users at UNC.  So bear with since I'm not a XEP user.
The end user updated to v4.18 after having errors all of a sudden but it turns out it was us updating java to the latest version.
We are required to upgrade java asap from v1.6.0_21 to v1.6.0_24 due to some serious security vulns.
This appears to have broken XEP no matter what we try.

My observation:

1)      xen errors with nothing changed other than using java jre v1.6.0_24

   Attribute 'padding-bottom' cannot have a value of "".

2)      If I specify full path the full java path /usr/java/jre1.6.0_24/bin/java -jar lib/xep.jar .... then it works fine or at least doesn't error.

3)      Any other variant of command line fails with various errors.  For example $ /usr/bin/java -jar lib/xep.jar ....

Question is this a XEP bug?
User has a workaround by using jre v1.6.0_21 locally on her PC but ideally like to get it working on our main centralized server.


# XEP command-line



"$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" \
        -classpath "$CP" \
        "-Dcom.renderx.xep.CONFIG=$XEP_HOME/xep.xml" \
        com.renderx.xep.XSLDriver "$@"

$ xep -fo $HOME/pdf/manual.fo -pdf $HOME/pdf/manual.pdf
(document [system-id file:/home/fishback/pdf/manual.fo]
    [error] Attribute 'padding-bottom' cannot have a value of "".
    [validation total: 1 error]
Parse error: Invalid XSL FO source 'file:/home/fishback/pdf/manual.fo': 1 error found during validation
Steven Fishback
System Administrator
Information Technology Services (ITS)
University of North Carolina-CH
CB #3420, ITS Manning, Rm 2508

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