[xep-support] nonbreaking hyphen

Keith - Parenty Reitmeier, Inc. keith at parenty.mb.ca
Mon May 29 06:52:16 PDT 2006

One way is to use  (ZERO WIDTH NO BREAK SPACE) after the 
hyphen. This works beautifully for us.

eg. s-Gravenhage


On 29-May-06, at 1:08 AM, Henk Rutten wrote:

> Names of cities like 's-Gravenhage or 's-Hertogenbosch are not 
> permitted to be hyphenated after the dash.
> In our xml files we use the entity for a nonbreaking hyphen in these 
> names: 's‑Gravenhage or 's‑Gravenhage.
> Both entities don't seem to work, the words are still hyphenated after 
> the dash. Any ideas what is causing this behaviour or how we can avoid 
> this behaviour?
> Kind regards,
> Henk Rutten
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