[xep-support] table-caption caption-side="after"

Edward Q. Bridges e.bridges at argo-tec.de
Wed Jan 30 01:36:48 PST 2002

below is a table-and-caption block that when i feed to renderx (2.7) does 
not place the caption after the table.  according to the doc/spec.pdf it 
will support before and after captions.  but, no matter what value i give 
to "caption-side" it always places the caption before the table.

in a tutorial i've seen, it says to attach the "caption-side" attribute 
to the table-and-caption element, but the spec says to attach it to the 
table-caption element.  

what is the proper usage of this attribute, and is it properly 
implemented in renderx?  if so, can someone take a look at the below and 
tell me what i'm doing wrong?

many thanks

	<fo:table-caption font-family="frutiger roman" font-size="9pt" color="#
7d7d7d" caption-side="after" text-align="left">
		<fo:block>This is should be a caption below the table.</fo:block>
	<fo:table font-family="frutiger roman" font-size="8pt" color="#464646" 
		<fo:table-column column-width="100%" xmlns:msxml="urn:schemas-microsoft-
		<fo:table-header font-family="frutiger roman" font-size="9pt" 
				<fo:table-cell border-style="solid" border-width="1px" border-
color="#ffffff" display-align="before" padding-before="0.1cm" padding-
after="0.1cm" padding-start="0.1cm" padding-end="0.1cm" keep-
together.within-column="always" background-color="#959595" text-
						<fo:inline font-weight="bold">Title</fo:inline>
		<fo:table-body space-after="0" space-before="0" padding="0">
				<fo:table-cell border-style="solid" border-width="1px" border-
color="#ffffff" display-align="before" padding-before="0.1cm" padding-
after="0.1cm" padding-start="0.1cm" padding-end="0.1cm" keep-
together.within-column="always" background-color="#dddddd" text-
						<fo:inline font-weight="bold">ABC LTD</fo:inline>

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