[xep-support] comma breaks to new line when following fo:basic-link

David Kelly david.kelly at pragprog.com
Wed Apr 27 11:19:17 PDT 2011

I have a piece of content in FO like this:

<fo:block id="N1007E" space-after="6pt">
Let’s make an xref to something 111 222 33 <fo:basic-link 
xmlns:exsl="http://exslt.org/common" color="rgb(10, 10, 150)" 
border-bottom="1pt dotted #6666aa" 
internal-destination="testing1">Figure 1, <fo:inline 
font-style="italic">testing 1</fo:inline>, on page 
<fo:page-number-citation ref-id="testing1"/>​</fo:basic-link>, and 
something else.

When the rendered link is against the right margin of the text area, the 
comma breaks by itself to the next line. In general, commas should not 
start a new line. Since <fo:basic-link> in this case does not have 
keep-together specified, I would expect, if a break was needed, for the 
last unit of text to break with the comma. This is, in fact, what 
happens when the example is:

<fo:block id="N1007E" space-after="6pt">
Let’s make an xref to something 1111 222 333 <fo:inline 
font-style="italic">Figure 1, testing 1, on page 6</fo:inline>, and 
something else.

In this case, the new line begins with "6,", which is more correct.

Is there a configuration control for this behavior, or some other way to 
get the break to behave correctly?

David Kelly


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