[xep-support] Image access when generating PDF

Sébastien CLERMONT sclermont at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 4 09:32:39 PDT 2006

I have a question about the way XEP generates PDF files.  In my application folder, I found an example called "hammer".  There are two files: hammer.xml and hammer.xsl.  I modified 1 image in the xml file:

- Original line -
<figure src="Images/box.jpg" figure-name="Shipping Box."/>

- Modified line -
<figure src="http://xxxxxxx.xxxxxx.com:11152/public/1322/fr/image/bandeau.gif" figure-name="Shipping Box."/>

When I look at the access log on the web server, I see that XEP reads the image 3 times.  Here is what I have in the access log: - - [04/Oct/2006:12:15:30 -0400] "GET /public/1322/fr/image/bandeau.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 2997 "-" "Java/1.4.1_02" - - [04/Oct/2006:12:15:30 -0400] "GET /public/1322/fr/image/bandeau.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 2997 "-" "Java/1.4.1_02" - - [04/Oct/2006:12:15:31 -0400] "GET /public/1322/fr/image/bandeau.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 2997 "-" "Java/1.4.1_02"

When I open the resulting PDF, the image is here.

There is no problem here.  What may be a problem is that in my application, I may have to generate a PDF which has 2000 images.  And the images are obtained via a struts action --> .do <--  This action gets the image in a DB2 database and returns it to XEP.  When I generate a PDF with 200 images, it works.  I tried to generate a PDF with 400 images and it crashed --> OutOfMemoryError.  I know how to increase the memory for the JVM but I still have a problem with 3 access for the same image.

Image a PDF with 2000 images, I will have 6000 access to the database :(   Ouch!!!!

Is there any parameter I can set to make XEP access images only once?
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