[xep-support] Support of special types of spaces

David Tolpin dvd at davidashen.net
Wed Oct 19 09:08:29 PDT 2005

> for starters, it's an abuse of the leader object.

It's what the leader object is for.

> The thin space is used to separate digit groups in numbers with  
> five or more digits.  It is a hard space, narrower than the word  
> space, and will not be adjusted in width when trying to achieve  
> justification.  Thin spaces are part of the System International  
> specification: using commas between digits is passé.

This one is not in many fonts, and its width is font-dependent.

> En and em spaces find modern use in providing a bit less/extra  
> space when emphasizing the separation of an element from its group,  
> while still maintaining the visual cohesion of the whole group.
> Hair spaces are to be used on either side of an em dash.

This one is not in many fonts, and its width is font-dependent.

> I believe Mats is absolutely correct in requesting that XEP  
> recognize and honour the various types of spaces.

I believe that Mats does not request that, but instead that the XSL  
recommendation specify how to handle them; because XEP is conforming  
now. And, in turn, I believe that not providing special handling for  
typographical spaces is a good thing. 
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