[xep-support] XEP processing instruction bug?

Geoff Levner geoff at n-generate.com
Wed Jun 15 07:48:23 PDT 2005

No, the result is the same with or without post-processing.  We are 
using XEP 4.3.

On 15 Jun 2005, at 16:13, Alexander Peshkov wrote:

> Does it work if you exclude your post-processing code (set
> pageAreaHandler to null)? Post-processing could be the source of the
> problem, because PI consumed by backends and your XEPContentHandler
> may fail to translate PI to the actual backend.
> Which version of XEP you are using?
> GL> No, I am passing the DOMSource directly to render. Here is the 
> relevant
> GL> code:
> GL>      DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc.getDocumentElement(), 
> sysId);
> GL>      FOTarget target = new FOTarget(stream, format);
> GL>      XEPLogger logger = new XEPLogger();
> GL>      if (pageAreaHandler == null) {
> GL>          xep.render(source, target, logger);
> GL>      } else {
> GL>          ContentHandler generator = xep.createGenerator(target, 
> logger);
> GL>          XEPContentHandler myGenerator =
> GL>              new XEPContentHandler(generator, pageAreaHandler);
> GL>          xep.render(source, myGenerator, logger);
> GL>      }
> GL> and here is a sample input document:
> GL> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> GL> <?xep-pdf-initial-zoom fit?>
> GL> <?xep-pdf-crop-offset 72pt 72pt 72pt 72pt?>
> GL> <?xep-pdf-bleed 24pt 24pt 24pt 24pt?>
> GL> <?xep-pdf-crop-mark-width 1pt?>
> GL> <fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format"
> GL>          xmlns:rx="http://www.renderx.com/XSL/Extensions"
> GL>          id="root">
> GL>    <rx:meta-info id="meta-info">
> GL>      <rx:meta-field id="meta1" name="title" value="This is a 
> test"/>
> GL>      <rx:meta-field id="meta2" name="author" value="John Doe"/>
> GL>    </rx:meta-info>
> GL>    <fo:layout-master-set id="layout">
> GL>      <fo:simple-page-master id="simple" master-name="only"
> GL>                            page-width="595pt" page-height="842pt">
> GL>        <fo:region-body id="body"
> GL>                       background-color="rgb-icc(255, 255, 255, 
> #SpotColor,'PANTONE
> GL> 229 C',1)"
> GL>                       column-count="2" column-gap="0.5in" 
> margin="1in"/>
> GL>      </fo:simple-page-master>
> GL>    </fo:layout-master-set>
> GL>    <fo:page-sequence id="pages" master-reference="only">
> GL>      <fo:flow id="flow" flow-name="xsl-region-body">
> GL>        <fo:block-container id="block1" position="absolute"
> GL>                           left="-34pt" top="34pt" width="527pt" 
> height="100pt"
> GL>                           background-color="rgb-icc(255, 255, 255, 
> #SpotColor,'PANTONE 540
> GL> C',1)"
> GL>                           display-align="before">
> GL>         <fo:block-container id="block2" position="absolute" 
> top="30pt">
> GL>           <fo:block id="block3"
> GL>                     font-family="Helvetica" color="#FFFFFF" 
> text-align="left"
> GL>                     font-size="30pt" line-height="30pt">
> GL>             Why don't you take this nice car for a drive and then 
> buy
> GL>             it. Please. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy 
> dog.
> GL>           </fo:block>
> GL>         </fo:block-container>
> GL>        </fo:block-container>
> GL>        <fo:block-container id="block4" position="absolute"
> GL>                           left="34pt" top="100pt" width="527pt" 
> height="774pt"
> GL>                           display-align="before">
> GL>         <fo:block-container id="block5" position="absolute" 
> top="30pt">
> GL>           <fo:block id="block6" font-family="Helvetica" 
> color="#FFFFFF"
> GL>                     text-align="justify" font-size="24pt" 
> line-height="72pt"
> GL>                     hyphenate="true">
> GL>             Lorem ipsum ades dolor sit consec atetuer adipiscing 
> elit, sed
> GL>             diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore 
> magna
> GL>             aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, 
> quis nostrud
> GL>             exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut 
> aliquip ex ea
> GL>             commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in 
> hendrerit in
> GL>             vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum 
> dolore eu
> GL>             feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et 
> iusto odio
> GL>             dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum enim ad minim 
> veniam, quis
> GL>             nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis 
> nisl utzzril
> GL>             delenit.
> GL>           </fo:block>
> GL>         </fo:block-container>
> GL>        </fo:block-container>
> GL>        <fo:block-container id="block7" position="absolute"
> GL>                           left="34pt" top="34pt" width="527pt" 
> height="774pt"
> GL>                           display-align="after"/>
> GL>      </fo:flow>
> GL>    </fo:page-sequence>
> GL> </fo:root>
> GL> Thanks,
> GL> Geoff
> GL> On 15 Jun 2005, at 13:02, Alexander Peshkov wrote:
>>> Hello Geoff,
>>> Processing instructions works fine in XEP then DOMSource is passed to
>>> the render method - I've just rechecked it. So it looks like a 
>>> problem
>>> with your code. Note that if you feed your DOM object to XSLT
>>> transformer (not to the 'render' method of Formatter, but to
>>> 'transform'
>>> method of FOTransformer) when PIs will be consumed by XSLT engine, 
>>> not
>>> XEP.
>>> Still if you post here a relevant code snippet of your Java source 
>>> and
>>> input document itself someone may came up with a good suggestion.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Alexander Peshkov
>>> mailto:peshkov at renderx.com
>>> RenderX
>>> GL> We have a document in which we use XEP processing instructions to
>>> GL> specify bleed values and crop marks.  When we feed it to XEP on 
>>> the
>>> GL> command line (OS X), everything works fine.  But when our Java
>>> GL> application feeds it to XEP programatically as a DOMSource, the
>>> GL> processing instructions are ignored.
>>> GL> Just before rendering the document, I traverse the DOM to verify
>>> that
>>> GL> the processing instructions are there, so I am certain they are.
>>> GL> Is it possible that XEP ignores processing instructions when
>>> render()
>>> GL> is passed a DOMSource?  If not, is there something we might be
>>> doing
>>> GL> wrong?

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