[xep-support] FW: re: FO with svg in Acrobat 5.0

Alexander Peshkov peshkov at renderx.com
Thu Dec 1 00:36:37 PST 2005

Hello Randy,

What exactly goes wrong in Acrobat 5? Is there any error messages?
Which version of XEP are you using?
Please send a short FO sample that demonstrates the problem (along
with rendered PDF) to support at renderx.com.

Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov                             mailto:peshkov at renderx.com

RG> Hi,


RG>             We are creating an .fo with svg


RG> <fo:instream-foreign-object content-width="scale-to-fit" width="100%"
RG> border="medium black ridge">

RG>             .

RG>             .

RG>             .


RG> XEP then the fo renders to a pdf file which displays fine in newer Acrobat
RG> readers but not in Acrobat 5.0


RG> Will svg require newer pdf acrobat readers?


RG> Thanks

RG> Randy

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