[xep-support] HAXEP

Nikolai Grigoriev grig at renderx.com
Thu May 15 01:13:52 PDT 2003


> i'm searching for something that does HTML+CSS conversion to XSL-FO.  
> The HAXEP that i stumbled across appears to provide this functionality, 
> but i can't find it anywhere. 

HAXEP is an old project, coupled to the previous version of XEP. 
It was never officially released.  

> is this vaporware?  

No, it is not. However, the work was completely frozen more 
than a year ago; there is no such product at the moment.

> i've seen tools that handle inline styles, but not via a stylesheet.  

Ours was a Java app, capable to apply stylesheets (using 
a combination of Tidy and Flute). However, it was still 
far from producing faithful representation of generic web 
pages - mostly because of table abuses so common in today's 
HTML code. Our experience makes us believe that generic
HTML/CSS-to-XSLFO conversion is possible only for
restricted input, and will always require manual tuning -
comparable in efforts with direct XSL-FO stylesheet creation.

Nikolai Grigoriev

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