[xep-support] XEP 3 + XALAN

David Tolpin dvd at renderx.com
Mon Apr 28 22:05:29 PDT 2003

> I am getting a ClassNotFoundException when I try to utilize Xalan and
> Xerces (latest stable release 2.5.0).
>      [java] '-classpath'
>      [java]
> 'E:\tools\XEP-3.3.1\lib\cryptix32-pgp.jar;E:\tools\XEP-3.3.1\lib\cryptix
> 32.jar;E:\tools\XEP-3.3.1\lib\xep331_client_stamped.jar;C:\jacobson\lib\
> xalan-2.5.0.jar;C:\jacobson\lib\xerces-2.4.0.jar;C:\jacobson\lib\xml-api
> s.jar'

As your output shows, there is no Clark's XT in your path.

While JAXPDriver can use any JAXP-compliant XSLT implementation (and
actually does -- you don't have to manually set anything -- it 
loads what it finds), it still uses XT for internal purposes,
because it is faster and smaller. Usually many times faster
and smaller than XALAN.

As it is clearly shown in the examples, XT must be in the classpath.

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