[xep-support] Problem with SVG

Nikolai Grigoriev grig at renderx.com
Tue Jan 29 15:43:58 PST 2002

Hello Heinz,

> I have made some changes in my SVG and XEP's run.bat and now
> I get the SVG rendered. Changes:
>  - used the latest DTD in my SVG: "DOCTYPE svg SYSTEM
>    "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd"
> - Changed RUN.BAT to use xerces-1.2.3.jar (to avoid errors "invalid DTD")

Alas. We used CSIRO SVG Toolkit that requires this particular version of Xerces.
In forthcoming releases, this will inevitably change, but until then...

> - removed style "stroke-dasharray:2,4" in my SVG (was used to get dashed

That's alarming: stroke-dasharray was presumed to work. Thanks for the info.

> Now the SVG appears in the PDF, but I have recognized
> still some smaller problems:
>  - text-anchor:middle, text-anchor:end are ignored

It isn't supported. Text display is terribly rudimental: we don't even switch
font families...

> - circles look really bad (approximated by a spline??)

Yes. PDF has no primitives for ellyptic arcs - only Bezier curves.
However, he have found a way to extrapolate circles much better.
A respective fix is ready, avaiting its turn for the next update of XEP.

> A list with the supported SVG attributes would be nice,

We have such a list in doc/spec.pdf, don't we?

> or even better some sample charts (bar chart, pie chart, graph)
> that are rendered correctly by the currently supported SVG subset.

You are right. We shall see if it can be done shortly - looks like a
very promising idea. Thank you for the suggestion!

Nikolai Grigriev

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