[xep-support] xsl:attribute does not work

Nikolai Grigoriev grig at renderx.com
Sat Feb 9 02:39:10 PST 2002


> <fo:external-graphic content-height="2.0cm" scaling="uniform"/>
> <xsl:attribute name="src" > <xsl:value-of select="@LogoPath"/></xsl:attribute>

xsl:attribute must be put _inside_ the element to which you add ab attribute,
not after it:

<fo:external-graphic content-height="2.0cm" scaling="uniform">
   <xsl:attribute name="src" >
     <xsl:value-of select="@LogoPath"/>

One more suggestion: using attribute-value templates  instead of xsl:element
gives more readable code. The whole thing above is equivalent to just

<fo:external-graphic content-height="2.0cm" scaling="uniform"

Best regards,
Nikolai Grigoriev

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